Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Love Note to a Telescope or Science Dorkitude, and Bad Poetry.

I feel i should include some background information. In April 2010, the Hubble telescope turned 20 years old, and to celebrate this NASA asked the public to write few words about what the Hubble telescope meant to you and submit them for inclusion in a time capsule. They wrote the request in the first person, and i'm particularly susceptible to that approach. I can't even think about those last few tweets from the mars rover as it slowly lost power in the face of the harsh Martian winter. Anyway, write about what the Hubble telescope means to you. Well, errr, i kind of wrote a love poem in the style of a pining adolescent to the Hubble Telescope.
Just putting this out here for brownie points. You know, sucking up for when the robotic overlords come. won't do a lick of good scrawled on a scrap of paper on my desk, now will it.

Scenes of stellar birth among pillars of giants
the death rattle of stars
swirling nebulae betwixt colliding galaxies
a universe in flux
spasms of creation amid throes of destruction
inimitable by human hands
invisible to our unaided eyes
blindingly beautiful in scope and complexity
Of all human endeavors, Hubble
you lift us highest towards the heavens
on your shoulder we stare into the eye of god unblinking

I fiddled around with the poem for a few days, and ended up forgetting to submit it for the time capsule. I came across it a few weeks later, and went back and looked at the other entries that had made it in. They mainly consisted of "Hubble rulz!" and "You rock!"

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