Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bad Art

To show how well rounded i am, i thought that in addition to the bad poetry that i shared earlier i'd share some bad art. So, presented with minimal expanded comment.

Update: So, due to overall positive reaction by the local art scene, see the positive write-up on Maebel's blog, Mews of Our Times, i thought i'd give the public a view into just how bad art is made. First off, all bad artists have a certain misplaced confidence in their intelligence or skills or some other facet of their personality, which is ultimately what leads them to try to express themselves through bad art. So passing over the deeper reasons of why I created these particular pieces of bad art, i'll instead just show some of the how.

Ahh, lowly black and white pencil sketches.



with addition of carpal tunnel inducing mouse work and free photo editing



but wait, just to put the final touches, a little watercolors. Yep, and that's how I do it. Prints are available in the gift shop or by mail order.


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