Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stripes Again... Really?

As I pull in to work, I notice that a bee is flying around inside the car. I immediately scream and swerve to the right, smashing into a parked car. That didn't happen. Actually, I rolled down the window and continued through the parking lot thinking that the bee would fly out one of the 4 wide open windows. No luck. I park and the bee is still buzzing around. I get out and leave the door open for a second, assuming that the bee will follow me, which does not happen. I'm going to be late for work, but I don't want to lock the bee in, and I shouldn't leave the windows down because it's supposed to rain today. I go around to the other side of the car and open the passenger door, and still the bee just hangs out inside, but as soon as I open the rear passenger door, it departs. Walking into work I realized I'd been straight up disrespected by that bee. It decided to scam a ride in my car, and then refused to leave until it got the full chauffeur treatment. Like i don't have enough to do, bee! How about I drive you to a field that needs pollinating or to a picnic, next? Can I get a little hat to doff as I open the car door for you to enter and exit? Freaking bee. I don't come to your hive, and mock you.

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